Wow, I can’t believe i’m 3 years away from the big 4-0! Where did the time go?! I had a fabulous birthday weekend spent in one of my all time favorite getaway spots – Destin, Florida. I am always on the constant search for my ultimate “remote island” getaway. I can do without the crowds and big city life when we go on vacation. I much prefer those quieter places where we can find beaches with only a handful of people, get seated in a restaurant immediately and not have the usual interruptions of a normal hotel. Destin is one of those places for me (we never go on holidays so that may play a part in our fab experiences there).
Any time I’m celebrating my birthday with the hubby Reg you know I’m having a good time. Thirteen years later and he’s never let me have a bad birthday. This year, he surprised me with a few of my favorites – a room full of balloons (love) and a cake bar complete with a red velvet cake from my favorite spot Nothing Bundt Cakes. I told him if he ever wants a side gig he can use these table decorating skills because he did MUCH better than I could have done, lol!

I can never get enough balloons so I enjoyed kicking around in my room full of balloons like a big kid. Thanks Reg. 🙂

Finally, a trip to Destin would not be complete without a trip to the gorgeous white sand, blue water beaches. One of the cleanest beaches I’ve ever been to.

Next month will make one year since I’ve officially transitioned into entrepreneur life. As I get older (and wiser) I’ve started to value material things much less and instead focus on creating great experiences in my life. I am finding that those things bring me the most joy and allow me to live my life to the fullest. I am looking forward to my journey towards a more minimalist lifestyle – starting with my fab new haircut and color from the lovely Emma at HiTexture Hair Salon. Who knows what this new journey and the next year will bring but we are looking forward to it!